Compassionate Contemplator, Kind Contemplator, Constant are your vows, constant is our respect! 真观清净观, 广大智慧观, 悲观及慈观, 常愿常瞻仰。 "Undefiled pure light, The sun of wisdom that breaks through the darkness Is able to quell calamities of wind and fire As it shines on all worlds. 无垢清净光、 慧日破诸闍, 能伏灾风火, 普明照世间。 "Compassionate substance: the thunder of Precepts. Kind intent: a wondrous great cloud. He rains down sweet dew and Dharma rain, Which extinguish the flames of affliction. 悲体戒雷震, 慈意妙大云, 澍甘露法雨, 灭除烦恼焰。 "In the midst of contention, when faced with lawsuits, Or when someone is terrified on the battlefield, If he uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin, All his many enemies will scatter and leave. 诤讼经官处, 怖畏军阵中, 念彼观音力, 众怨悉退散。 "Wondrous your sound, Contemplator of the World's Sounds- A pure sound, a sound like the sea tide, A sound beyond all worldly sounds, We shall always bear it in mind. 妙音观世音、 梵音海潮音, 胜彼世间音, 是故须常念, "In thought after thought we have no doubt. Gwan Shr Yin is pure and sagely. In times of suffering, agony, danger, and death, He is our refuge and protector." 念念勿生疑。 观世音净圣, 于苦恼死厄、 能为作依怙。 "Complete with all merit and virtue, With eyes of kindness, watching living beings, He is endowed with massive blessings, limitless as the sea. Therefore we should reverently worship him." 具一切功德, 慈眼视众生, 福聚海无量, 是故应顶礼。 At that time the Bodhisattva Guardian of the Earth rose from his seat and said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, if there are those who hear this chapter of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, who learn about the self-mastery of his deeds and the power of his spiritual penetrations as shown in this Universal Door, you should know that the merit and virtue of such people will not be small." 尔时持地菩萨即从座起,前白佛言:“世尊,若有众生、闻是观世音菩萨品、自在之业,普门示现神通力者,当知是人功德不少。” (责任编辑:admin) |